Monday, December 31, 2007

84 degrees and sunny

We're never coming home. It's too warm and beautiful here! Jack has loved Lion Country Safari and Parrot Island. He wasn't too thrilled about standing in the ocean but loved all the boats he saw. He's in love with Aunt LaNae (nae nae) and Uncle David's (Dude) dogs- Sonny and Bonny. He'd also like to take one of their 5 cats home! We're having a blast and not missing the snow one little bit!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve!

We've spent the morning doing some last minute shopping and wrapping. While we were at the mall we attempted a picture with Santa... Jack's still not too thrilled about the whole concept... here's the result.

Notice the "I'm not amused" look on his face? At least he didn't totally freak out like he did on Saturday at the Family Christmas in Chicago! Pictures from that event coming soon....

We're headed to the children's pageant at church this evening. Jack can be in it when he's 3. I think he'll get to be a sheep or something. A quiet dinner at home and then straight to bed to await Christmas morning!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


We're feeling like we're buried up to our eyeballs in life around here! School has been beyond busy, we have Christmas shopping to do each night, a house to manage, a dog to take care of, and plans for our trip to Florida to make. Plus the million other little details like calling to check on my HORRIBLE health insurance, rescheduling doctors appts, etc. AAAAHHHHH!!! I'm so ready for winter break!!!! Here are some random updates and thoughts....

~Only a half day of school tomorrow- should be positively insane. A pizza party, too much junk food, and adios kids! See you in 2008!

~ My coworker, Pam, was sick today (the stomach flu!!!) so I had to manage the field trip plus all the parents who came in to see the projects the kids have been working on for weeks- all by myself!!! Talk about a crazy day! The field trip was awesome. We went to the planetarium. Gotta love the planetarium! The parent thing was good too- the kids did power points on a polar regions animal they researched with me, and researched and did posters on a planet with Pam. The parents were impressed, the kids were happy, and all the cookies were eaten at the end! A good time was had by all. Thank god it's over!

~We're about halfway done with our Christmas shopping. We've been out every night this week getting stuff done. How does this deadline of Christmas Day seem to sneak up on us every year???

~We love our little baby. I know I haven't posted about it much- or at all really. How different it was with Jack. I'm just so busy and distracted that I just don't take the time to post about it. I'm feeling good. In maternity clothes now- and looking forward to being out of this "Is she just gaining weight?" phase! Jack picked out some onesies and a super cute sleeper for the baby at Kohl's the other night. He carries them around with him and hangs the hangers up on various door knobs throughout the house. When you ask them who they're for he goes, "bebee!" We have an appt right after we get back from Florida, and then my big 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for the end of January. It'll be here before we know it!

~Jack had been going through a phase of not wanting to go to sleep at night. He'd cry and scream as soon as we put him in his crib and shut the door. We were at a loss about what to do- how can a kid go from lying down and falling asleep like an angel all on his own every night to this?? We spent the past several nights sitting on the floor by his bed holding his hand till he fell asleep- that was fun! Then Brandon said the other night he was really holding onto Brandon's hand for dear life, not just casually holding his hand. That made me think that maybe he was scared- so last night I put him to bed but left his door open and our bedroom light on. I went about my business folding laundry and stuff- and what do you know? Fell asleep all on his own! So now he's going to bed with the door open and the bedroom light on. Problem solved! Until the next one of course!

~We can't wait for Florida!!!!!!!!

~I've been craving eggo waffles!

~We FINALLY got a family picture taken- it's going to be a new years card- and Finley won't be in it. He just WOULD NOT sit still and be normal for the picture. So he's not dead, just not in our card this year!!! :) Expect those cards in your mailbox by March at the latest!!!! :)

That's it for now- pictures to come soon!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

23 Months

Holy Cow! Next month you'll be 2! You are more fun every day- we love our family hugs! Happy 23 month birthday Baboo!

Mama and Daddy

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


No school for me and no school for Jack! So far we've watched Lady and the Tramp and played outside in the snow. Our afternoon plans include long naps for both of us! Hooray!!!

I bet all of my Olathe teacher buddies are enjoying their day off too!!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Who did it?

Two words we have purposely not encouraged Jack to learn are now being used WAY too frequently around here. Who taught him "No!" and "Mine!" ?????? Somebody better confess!

**And FYI those comments from "anonymous" are really from my brother. He tries so hard to be funny.**

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you

I have a perforated eardrum and an ear infection. When the nurse practitioner looked in my ear her quote was, "Wow". I guess it looked pretty bad.

I'm now on an antibiotic (safe for the baby) and Tylenol.

It'll take around a week or 2 for the plugged up feeling to go away in my ear- so could you speak a little louder till then? Thanks.

Home Sick

It must be an ear infection. My right ear is all plugged up and it hurts so bad I didn't sleep much last night. I'm calling for an appt. at 8:00. I hope I can get in right away. Add the flat tire that I had on the way to school on Monday and this week has royally sucked!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

'tis the season

To be sick, sick, sick! Just when Jack was finally feeling better, I came down with a horrible cold on Thursday night. I even ended up leaving school at 9:00 on Friday morning, I felt so horrible. As soon as I got home I went to bed and slept till 3:00. Too bad it didn't cure me. I felt absolutely terrible yesterday. I've spent the past 24 hours with gobs of Vicks Vapo Rub under my nose and on my chest- and it really seems to be helping! I'm thinking I might actually make it to school tomorrow.

Aside from being sick all weekend, we did manage to have some fun. My parents came over to get "snowed in" with us. We got our first winter storm of the season- about 4 inches around here- and it was fun to be all together. Jack got to try out his brand new snowpants and boots- around here they actually let the kids go out and play in the snow during the school day!! We bundled him all up and took him outside- he totally hated it! The wind was really blowing and he wasn't sure about walking in the snow so he stuck pretty close to his Aunt "Sizzy". It's a good thing she loves him so much, she ended up carrying him all around!

We also bought our Christmas tree this weekend. It seems like we do that earlier and earlier each year. We bought it from the boy scout troop that sells them out of the parking lot at Jack's school. The boys really had no clue about trees- but we were happy with what we got. Jack was really into the "twee" this year. He helped his Daddy and Uncle Timmy do the decorating and even got to put the star on top. He talks about Ho Ho Ho all the time and he keeps telling me that he wants "manimals" and "hoo hoo" (a train) for Christmas. We'll see what Santa delivers!

We told Jack that Mama has a baby in her tummy and now if you ask him where our baby is, he'll point to me. Then again, he also points to himself, Daddy, Puppa, and anybody else in the room so maybe he doesn't quite get it yet! I can't wait to see him as a big brother. He's such a loving and gentle kid, I really think he'll do a great job with the baby. I've finally been feeling better. The "morning sickness" is about 90% gone. It started almost instantly this time but seems to be ending quicker too. Now if I can just get rid of this cold and the gagging reflex that happens every time I cough I'll be in good shape!

Only 3 weeks till Christmas break around here! We're REALLY looking forward to our trip to see Auntie LaNae and Uncle David in Florida. I can't wait to show Jack the ocean and take him on all the adventures they have planned for us. Brandon is looking forward to rearranging our flights so we can catch KU in the Orange Bowl!

Enjoy some pictures...

all bundled up
Jack and Auntie Sizzy

Grammy in the snow

Family picture. Ugh! Soooo not the Christmas card! Sickly mama!

Puppa lovin'

Calling Moe Moe to talk about the new shoes from Grandpa

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Thank you for all of the congratulations and good wishes!
I told the staff at school today- I brought in pink and blue frosted cupcakes. Everyone was really happy for me. They all wanted to make sure I'm coming back next year though- I guess that's a good sign, they want me to stick around! :)

I also told my class. I brought in cups for a baby shower that say BABY on them and filled them with puppy chow (you know that great recipe where you pour melted chocolate and peanut butter over crispix cereal and coat it in powdered sugar). I had them guess why I was giving them a snack in those cups. Here are some guesses:

-Your mom is having a baby!
-It's Jack's birthday!
-It's your birthday!
-Your sister is having a baby!
-Finley is having puppies! (I think the puppy chow threw them off a bit)
-Someone in your family is having a baby!

I finally had to tell them it was ME having the baby! They were absolutely shocked! It never occured to them that their own teacher could be the one having a baby! Then they all made me feel great when they said, "But you don't look like you're going to have a baby!" Thank you for that!!!!

Brandon is going crazy researching baby girl names. He was on the internet for hours last night making a list of names. And here I thought we were all settled on our choices! At least our boy name is still agreed upon!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Music to our ears....

Here's our big surprise...

We had a doctors appointment today and this is what we heard:

"thud thud thud thud thud thud"

Nothing prettier than the sound of your unborn baby's heart beating!!!

Baby is due on June 17th

The 3 of us (plus Finley!) couldn't be happier!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So I realize I've been a total slacker regarding this blog recently. Life is just too darn busy these days! By the time I get home from school, it's time for dinner, then playtime with Jack- then bath, jammies, a few stories, lots of smooches, and tucking him in. After that I just want to lay on the couch and relax! I wouldn't change it for anything though. Our weekly schedule is really smooth- thanks to Moe Moe and Bampa being here 3 days a week! It doesn't get any better than that!!!

We had a good Thanksgiving. The turkey turned out just fine- no emergency pizza needed! It sure was nice to have the whole family here- especially Grammy.

Jack's cold got worse Thanksgiving night and we ended up taking him in to the pediatrician on Friday. Nothing like an ear infection and bronchitis to make a weekend really special! Jack and Brandon spent the weekend at home, and I headed to my parents' house since I had a few things planned for the weekend anyway.

I got the chance to help my friend Laura finish registering at Babies R Us- LOVE BABIES R US! They have everything you'd ever need for a baby! And I can't believe how cute the blankets are these days. Even cuter than 2 years ago when we were picking things out for our baby on the way.

I also got fitted for my bridesmaid dress. That June wedding of my brother's will be here before we know it! The dresses are super cute- and I just can't wait to be in a wedding again! Getting your hair done! And makeup! And nails! And flowers!!!! Can't wait!!!

Here's a little teaser for you... tomorrow is going to be a very exciting day for us.... I'll clue you in tomorrow night!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Safe and Sound

Grammy's back! We met her at the airport last night. Jack was shy at first, but really seemed to remember her after a few minutes. He held her hand all the way back to the car. Jack had a good sleepover- although my brother called at 6:30 this morning to tell us it was the worst nights sleep of his life! That's what you get when you offer to watch a toddler over night!!! By the way, Jack slept just fine!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I talked to my mom this afternoon... she was in the airport in Nairobi waiting to get on the plane to come home. She sounded happy and sad all at the same time. I know how much everyone there will miss her, but I'm so happy for us to be getting her back.

We've spent the weekend getting over colds (all of us!) and getting the house ready for Thanksgiving. Everyone will be at our house- we can't wait! We have much to be thankful for this year.

Jack and Uncle Timmy are headed to the airport together tomorrow. I'll join them after school gets out. I have to head back home tomorrow night- but Jack will be sleeping over at Grammy's house and then coming back with Uncle Timmy later. What an adventure they will have. We can't wait to see Grammy!!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007


We are very ready for another weekend around here. Lots of sleep for everyone! That's the hope anyway...

Jack had 2 great days at school this week- when I got there to pick him up today he was running around visiting all the classrooms with Miss Kim. He had a huge smile on his face when he came around the corner and was happy to see me- but hugged all of his teachers goodbye.

He has a cold that just won't let go yet. Last night he was up for an hour coughing and then trying to fall back asleep. Hopefully a restful weekend will help him start to feel better.

We'll be attending Super Nana's birthday this weekend as well as attempting to put up our storm windows. Always a fun experience!

Pictures will be taken this weekend....

Jack's new favorite word: animals (pronounced manimals)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sloth Weekend

What a boring/uneventful/relaxing/just what we needed weekend. Lots of naps and lounging in our pajamas. Daddy-O is off to Toronto, he's excited to get more stamps in his passport!

There are 2 new posts below this one. Complete with pictures! Are you impressed?

2 weeks from tomorrow Grammy will be home. I believe Jack's word for Grammy sounds more like "Dammy" That's ok, right?

Jack's new word for this weekend: School



Catching up on the pictures...
Halloween night.

The dog LOVES pumpkins

This was after he fell off the chair. Oops.

KU= Brandon, Classic Jack-o-Lantern= Jack, Bat=Me

Professional Help

Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and leave it up to the professionals. Thanks, Catherine!

Not too sure...
I guess this is ok...

So handsome!

Rolling for hair
You missed a spot, lady.

Friday, November 02, 2007


I'm updating this blog from school... don't tell anyone!!

Halloween was super fun- Jack came to school with me and participated in the parade. He needed yellow and nukie- it was a tad overwhelming with all the kids. He warmed up to the kids in my room though, and joined them for snacks after the parade. He even sat at his own desk! I can just see him on the first day of Kindergarten, can't you??

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Happy 21 Month Birthday Baby Boy!

I guess we were too busy going on a family walk and playing hide and seek to wish you a happy birthday yesterday! We love you stinky, you are our dream come true!

Mama and Daddy-O

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Here are some random pictures. I'll post more later. We had a great time at the pumpkin patch and the fire station last weekend. A costume change for Halloween, he's going to be a dinosaur, not a turtle!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A Funny Story

This weekend we were starting our family walk- and Brandon had to run back inside the house for something. So Jack, Finley, and I are standing on the corner across the street from our house when this car pulls up. It's a young guy with all the windows down and the rap music BLASTING. From the look on his face he's thinking he's really tough and cool. Then I look over at Jack, and he's DANCING to the music! The guy in the car sees him and totally cracks up and starts dancing with his arms too- it was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

The toddler cracks the tough guy's image. Hysterical!

Check this out:

Friday, October 05, 2007


Four years ago today we lost someone very special to us. Madison was a complete joy to know- happy and full of smiles for everyone. It's funny how even four years later I can still feel her hugs and hear her laugh.

This week I came upon a little known book called "Tilly Witch". I was going through a box of Halloween books I found in my closet at school, and there it was. Maddie loved that book. She loved that Tilly Witch. I remember the Halloween, or was it Halloweens that she was Tilly Witch. I have a feeling a certain little angel made sure I found that book this week. I was thinking of you anyway Maddie, but thanks for the reminder!

We miss her everyday.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


For the past few nights, Jack has been waking up several times crying. For no real reason. He has his pacifier, he has his yellow blankie, he didn't throw up. On Sunday night I was so tired of getting up with him for no apparent reason that I just brought him into bed with us. He slept soundly the rest of the night. Apparently he was just missing us. So last night he cried at about 9:30 and we just let him cry until he fell back asleep- about 1 minute. He must have gotten the message cause last night he slept straight through the night again. It's amazing how quickly you take for granted the fact that you have a good sleeper. As soon as something interrupts your usual full nights sleep- it feels like the end of the world!
Tonight we went to Uno's for dinner. Then we met Auntie Liz and Uncle Timmy back at our house. Uncle Timmy had a surprise for Jack- a book called "The Hallo Wiener" - it's really cute- you should check it out!
Our neighbors brought home a 6 week old golden retriever puppy!!! Jack is in absolute love with Emma. I have a feeling if he could talk a little better he'd be asking us for a new puppy!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


I've been teaching for nearly a month now. I absolutely love my new school. I was a touch nervous about teaching 2nd grade- they seem so much younger than my 4th graders. I worried it might be a tough transition for me. Boy, was I wrong! It's gone so smoothly- and I'm loving it. When you take away the pressures of teaching in a public school (larger class size, standardized testing, etc) and get to be a teacher in a totally different environment, it's very eye opening. I spend so much more time with each individual child- something I really couldn't do well with 24 kids in my room. I feel like I'm getting to know them on such a deep level.

I can honestly say that I love teaching more now than I ever have before. And I loved it before! I really enjoyed being a teacher. But there's something about the pace at this school that allows me to sit back and really enjoy what I'm doing. Maybe it's that I only have 10 spelling tests to grade at a time, or that it's ok if you're a few minutes late to Spanish cause you were in the middle of a science experiment, or maybe it's that I feel like I have the time to really spend a few weeks on subtraction if they just aren't getting it and not worry about where that puts us on our schedule for preparing for the state assessments. There's just something about it...


This weekend was great- on Friday night Brandon and I attended the 2nd grade parents/teachers cocktail party! I told you this school was different!!! I wasn't sure what to expect- and was pleasantly surprised. It was held at the house of one of my students. The house was REALLY nice (hello, they pay big $$$ to send their kid to my school!) and my student was beyond excited to have his TEACHER in his own HOUSE!! He gave me the grand tour before retiring to his playroom with the babysitter. It was a great evening- so nice to be able to relax and get to know a ton of parents in a different way. I have a feeling that things like conferences are going to go really well since the parents know me as a person too, not just the teacher.

On Saturday we went out to lunch with Uncle Timmy and Auntie Liz. Jack was being a total toddler all weekend- one minute he loves you, the next minute you're scum! After Jack and I took our naps- we headed to Perkins with Grandpa and Auntie Liz- gotta love Perkins!

This morning we went to church. I'm working in the church nursery 2 Sundays a month- so Jack was happy as a clam to stay with me and play with all the toys. After church we met Uncle Timmy and Auntie Liz out for breakfast at this great resaurant we've driven my a million times and always wanted to try. It was fabulous! Next we were on to grocery shopping. My dad loves our grocery store, so we go every Sunday after church. Jack and I took naps this afternoon, then the 3 of us played outside, ate at QDoba for dinner, went to the park, took Finley for a walk, and then watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It was a great weekend!

Jack's vocabulary sort of exploded last week. He's finally ready to not just smile when you ask him to say a word- but to try and repeat it! So far he's added: yellow, apple, deer, bee, and grandpa to his list.

Another week is upon us- October already! We're ready for fall- and heading to the apple orchard- I've also got to order Jack's Halloween costume!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I get the point... you want pictures! Now quit calling to bug me about it!!!!

Playing at the playground
Resting on the way to the playground

It's not a purse. It's an easter basket. I swear.

In the dog house we built for Finley

Happy to be up north

Checking out the pontoon boat

Licking the pontoon boat

On Uncle Timmy's shoulders

Going on a hike with Auntie Liz and Uncle Timmy

I can do it by myself!

Thanks for the helicopter and hat Grammy! Now I'll look like all the kids in Kenya during the winter!

Some sort of weird model pose

Lovin' my new jammies

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You can call me slacker.

I'm too tired to post anything!!! (Do you hear the whining???!!!!)

Pictures and videos tomorrow... maybe.

Thanks for the new shoes Grandpa! We love them!

Did you get your new shoes too, Mister?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

1 Year Anniversary

Happy 1 year anniversary to us!

1 year ago today we moved into our house. It's been an interesting year, filled with ups and downs. I'm so glad to say that 1 year later, I'm happy to be living here!

20 Months

Happy 20 month birthday Stinky!

This past month has absolutely flown by. We changed things up a bit in your life- Mama went back to work and you hang out with Moe Moe and Bampa 3 days a week and go to school 2 days a week.

Looking back at how it's gone- and is going- you've been a real trooper. As usual! We knew you'd love hanging out with your grandparents- and you certainly do. From organizing your matchbox cars to heading to the library- they keep you very busy and you love it. School has also gone well for you. You still cry for a few minutes when we drop you off, but you cheer up within minutes and then really enjoy your teachers and your friends. We are so proud of you for being a big boy and enjoying this new adventure in your life.

There are other new things going on too. We put the high chair in the attic a few weeks ago and now you sit at the table like a big boy on your booster seat. I love looking across the table at your smiling face and doing "cheers!" with our glasses. Another big milestone is that we've put away your downstairs baby gate! You now know that you shouldn't go down to the basement, or up the stairs to your room without us. We can trust you to stay off the stairs when we're all downstairs together- and you love running the circle between the living room, dining room and kitchen! You're also getting really good at going up and down the stairs by yourself. As long as there's a railing nearby, you can do it all by yourself!

Independence continues to be the theme with you, Jack. You love picking out your shirt in the morning, getting Puppa's dog food, and walking around the neighborhood. We are amazed at how fast you're growing up. You look more and more like a little boy and less and less like a baby every single day. We love you all the time Baybo!

Mama and Daddy-O

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So glad I got the chance to hold him, talk to him, and let him know that I love him too.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sick and Tired

We're sick and tired over here. The first week of school was great- but it has left me completely exhausted! Jack still has a cold, and now the pink eye is back. Brandon caught Jack's cold and since I'm so tired, I caught some sort of stomach bug last night. Ick!

School is really going so incredibly well. 10 kids is just a dream. Time to focus on everyone and get stuff done during the day. How did I ever teach 24??

More pictures and posts once we're all on the mend!

Good luck to our buddy Mister on his first day of preschool tomorrow! You'll do great, kid!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

1st Day of School

It went really well. The kids are cute- but short! And since they're only 7 years old, by 2:00 they were all ready for a nap!

Jack has a sinus infection... thank goodness the in-laws are around to take him to the doctor! He's loving the raspberry flavored antibiotic- and pretty much not missing me much during the day! :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I almost forgot...

On Friday night we had dinner with our buddy Taylor and her Mama and Daddy. Here are the 2 kids doing a little duet! FYI They are 6 weeks apart in age.