Thursday, February 26, 2009


This kid is testing my patience big time!!!! He is challenging everything we say during the day, fighting bedtime at night... AAHHH!!!

Give me the worst parent in the world award. I just want to run away when he acts like a 3 year old!!!

Thank God Brandon gets home from Texas tomorrow.

Something positive- our new game is that after Jack's teeth get brushed (while he stands on the toilet lid) he wraps his arms and legs around my waist and legs and I carry him to his bed like a Mama monkey carrying her baby monkey. I guess it's not all bad!


We got Emmers a little pup tent type thing for our trip to Nae Nae and Dude's over spring break. It's really cute and it'll keep her in one place while she sleeps. Jack has had a ball playing in it so far. We also bought 2 car seat covers for when we check the car seats for our flight. Brandon has to stay home and work, so Moe Moe and I are taking the tots to sunny Florida for 8 glorious days! Wahoo!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

She's Mobile!

Emma Kate is now pushing herself backwards while on her tummy and is able to travel pretty fast!! She's so excited to discover new parts of the house...

Time to find the baby gates.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

8 Months

8 Things about our beautiful 8 month old...

1. She now claps her hands when you clap yours

2. She just learned how to feed herself Puffs

3. She screams her head off when you take her out of the tub

4. She's starting to scoot herself backwards when on her tummy

5. At least once a week she wakes up at 3am and has a little talking/laughing party in her crib

6. She loves to growl like a tiger

7. She makes a great "gagging/I'm gonna hurl" face when you feed her baby food that has anything to do with a dinner theme: chicken and squash, turkey and veggies, etc. She still eats it though!

8. She still has the biggest and most beautiful blue eyes you'll ever see.

We adore this girl. She brings us joy, laughter, and oh so much love.
Happy 8 month birthday, Emma 2 Lemmas!
We love you very much!

Mama, Daddy-O, Jack and Puppa

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Let's Play Catch Up

Pictures from the past few weeks/months???

They were supposed to be monster trucks, but they turned into cars. And I know Jack is driving on the wrong side. It's a European car.

Happy Birthday to you!

The new couch is delivered from Crate & Barrel! Finley made himself at home about 2 seconds after the delivery guys left!

Sending the deedees to Africa!

Waiting for his birthday gift!

His very own tool station!
Emmers in her party dress. She loves to party!

Precious Girl. With peacock hair!

I took Finley out and came back to Jack sitting in the high chair! And yes, that's our fridge in the living room!

Safety first!
Chapped cheeks

Obeo and Grandpa

His present for sending the deedees to Africa!

oops, in here twice!

One of the last pictures with deedee! Being a good boy and feeding his sister her bob.

I just puked on my outfit and it's sooo funny! (On the old couch!)

Whoa! There's a puppa attack coming!

New kitchen floor!!!!!!

Layer 2? 7? 12?

Old kitchen floor

Old kitchen

New kitchen!!!!!

We'll be getting a smaller fridge at some point. For now we like the big one in the living room!
Emma is feeling much better, Jack dropped Obeo in the toilet tonight (eeewww!!) so he's struggling to go to bed while it gets washed. That's it for now!