Friday, February 29, 2008


JustSayHi - Science Quiz

How would you do?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2 Year Appointment

Jack finally had his 2 year check up yesterday. Here are his stats:

37.5 inches tall
35 pounds

He is obviously big for his age- but his height and weight are in proportion to each other, so nothing to fear. He's basically just super tall and solid as a rock. That's my boy!

The doctor was glad to see that he's speaking in 4-5 word phrases, knows almost all of his colors, knows how old he is, can jump off the ground, can run, can go up and down stairs (even our scary steep ones!!) all by himself, and can draw a circle if you draw one first and ask him to do the same. She still suggests no peanut butter for another year (are you kidding me??) and to start making him take "no thank you bites" when he refuses a food. Tonight we tried it with green beans- and what do you know! That no thank you bite turned into about 5 beans being eaten cause he realized he really does like them!

Besides the usual check up stuff- he had to have another lead test. This one was a finger prick instead of the horrible blood draw we had to deal with a year ago. The first finger the nurse pricked barely bled at all- so they had to do a second finger. Jack sure was excited about that! After many tears and saying "ow!" over and over, she got enough blood and he got 2 bandaids to show for it.

We'll see the doctor for sure in another few months when baby sister shows up!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Holy $#$%-- Edited

He went to bed 30 minutes ago (I'm assuming he had fallen asleep, he was really tired??)- and just stuck his little head out of his bedroom door to tell us he had to pee. He sat on the potty, and what do you know- HE PEED!

This is all very, very, strange!!!!

*** And he just got up AGAIN to pee. Is this more of a curse than a blessing? The kid needs to SLEEP! If only his bladder could hold more than a tablespoon of pee at a time!

2x potty + 1x floor

He went once on the floor- didn't make it to the potty on time, and then twice in the potty. Pretty good for an hour of playing diaper free after drinking a whole single serving container of milk at dinner!

I think we're just going to take it slowly with this. Not push too hard, if at all. When we're home and thinking about it, we'll work on asking him if he has to go. I think his little bladder is still too small to take on the control and frequent trips to the bathroom that a full blown potty training routine would involve. I'm just so glad he's interested in it, and excited when he gets to flush the pee pee down the toilet!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

That's twice now!

After our shower tonight... he was standing on the bathmat in his towel when he said "pee pee". I said, "if you have to go pee pee, go on your potty!" So he said "Oh!", dropped his towel and ran for the potty. After sitting down and positioning his little you know what behind the shield- HE PEED IN THE POTTY! A real pee this time! Not 10 drops, A REAL PEE!

Holy cow!!! Tomorrow we're going to experiment with having him play without a diaper on for an hour or so and see what he does. It should be interesting!

Stay tuned to the potty chronicles!!! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Guess Who?

Guess who went pee pee on the potty tonight??!!! That's right, Jack!

He had just gotten out of the shower and was running around naked when all of a sudden he started saying "pee pee". Since that usually means poop, I freaked and tried to get him into a diaper. He was running towards his potty that we keep in the playroom (he's just been playing with it for the past month) so I just followed him and sure enough, he sat down, and peed a little bit in the potty!!! Holy cow!

He was VERY proud of himself and helped me flush the 10 drops of pee pee down the toilet and rinse out his potty.

So, pretty much he's totally potty trained now, right???!!!! :)

I wish!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Puppa Love

Looks pretty innocent, right?

Hmmm... that alien guy looks pretty tasty...

Alien extraction
I love you anyway Puppa Sinney (Finley)

Date Night

Last night Brandon and I got dressed up, went out to dinner, and went to see this show. It was fabulous!!! We had a great time all by ourselves. How wonderful it is to eat dinner as slowly as you want!!Thanks Moe Moe and Bampa for the tickets and for babysitting!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Here are a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks....

Me at 23 weeks
(is it just me, or do I look WAY bigger than I did at this point last time??)
Jack on top of our snow mound next to the driveway.

Too much snow!

Jack and our buddy, Jess, from Kansas City/Chicago

Checking out the choo choos- last year I had to help him walk around the dome. This year he ran around like he owned the place!

Bad hair day/yummy brownie mix to lick!
(Notice my best Christmas present EVER! A Kitchen Aid mixer from my parents!!!!)
Jack had his 2nd day in the 2 year old room at school today. His new teacher is Miss Yolanda. There were some tears yesterday morning when he had to leave his beloved Miss Nikki and head upstairs with the other 2 year olds, but today he did just great! No tears at all and he is learning how to drink out of a regular cup!! He gives Miss Yolanda big hugs goodbye- a good sign!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Get your butt back in bed!!!!

Instead of taking a nap he's reorganizing his closet. Apparently there isn't room for the humidifier box in the closet and a better spot is the hallway. Don't make me come in there!!!!!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Baby Girl

We had our 22 week appointment today. All is well with baby girl. Her heartbeat was nice and strong and I'm measuring right at 22 weeks.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Snow Day!

Our 3rd snow day of the year!! Wahoo!!!

Bring on the 12-18 inches of snow!!!!!!!!!!!