Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just think how great these pictures would be...

...if I had a new camera! Anybody wish to donate to the "Get Liz a new camera" fund??!!! :)

Someday I'll get the camera of my dreams...

Anyway, here's a review of our holidays for you. We had sort of a quiet Christmas. It's awfully different without Bampa around. Jack got lots of presents from Santa and Emma got one toy and a few outfits. She was more interested in the wrapping paper of course.

We're in the middle of doing some major redecorating in our house. Fresh paint in the living room, hallway, dining room and kitchen. Plus a few major improvements in the kitchen! Think new floor and counter top! Wahoo! We are SO excited about it!

Emma's Christmas Tooth

Fresh and Clean

All of us and Super Nana

Moe Moe and her darlings

Family Portrait

What a ham!

Christmas morning

Love penguins and Packers!

Her one toy. Poor girl!

All bundled up and ready to go for a walk in the snow to Starbucks
Finally making those Christmas cookies!
Baked from scratch by yours truly!
2 kids in a toy hamper.

Sibling Love

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Christmas Tooth

We discovered Emma's first tooth on Christmas morning! Just like Jack, it appeared almost overnight with no fussing at all. Hopefully all of her other teeth will come in as easily as the first.

She's been sitting up on her own for several weeks now and loves to sit in her crib and tug on her mobile while she watches me put away her laundry. Her hair is still curly after we wash it and it's getting long enough on the top to put in cute little bows!

Emma is so in love with her brother, it's hilarious. She's always looking for him and screeching at him. Jack is already telling me of his plans to put his toys away so she can't get them... I think he's realizing she won't always stay where you put her!

I have some adorable pictures from Christmas to post... and exciting news about our redecorating plans for our house!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Broken Hearts

It's been a week and a half since my father-in-law passed away. We are still having a hard time with it. I just keep thinking of all the times yet to come that he'll miss. It sucks. I'm mad. I'm so sad that my kids will miss out on having Bampa around. He was this guy who would do absolutely anything for you. Did I mention the time last year when I got a flat tire on the way to school? I called AAA and then Brandon, and then Rod. Rod jumped in his car and drove all the way to the parking lot I was stuck in just to be there with me when the tow truck came. As we got closer to the time when school was starting- he sent me on my way in his car so I could get to school on time- and he sat in my car and waited for the tow truck guy to come. Then he spent the better part of that day driving around town to get me a new tire. I miss him so much.

Emma turned 6 months old on the day Rod died. I hate it that he won't be here to see her grow up. She was his tootsie pootsie. I hate this. I wish we could go back to how it was. I'm so sad for my whole family.

Emma, we thank God for you every day. You and your brother are the sunshine in our lives. Happy 6 month birthday baby girl!