Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Brushing teeth.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Jack's a big boy now! We said goodbye to the crib a few weekends ago. He loves his new bed and has no problem falling asleep in it. Now if only we could get him to STAY in it all night! We knew we'd never be able to trick him into thinking he can't get out of the bed on his own- he's been climbing off of ours for months. So in the middle of the night I've been waking up to his 2 year old royal highness staring at me and saying, "Mommy! Up!" and since I'm so tired- into our bed he comes! Bad bad bad habit!!! We're (ok, just Brandon) working on putting him back to bed in the middle of the night.

We bought a guard rail at Babies R Us and apparently we've both gotten significantly dumber since obtaining our master's degrees a few years ago. We can't figure out the last steps of the directions. So the guard rail sits half assembled in the living room, and Jack hasn't fallen out of his bed once. Looks like we'll be returning the guard rail!

We got his PERFECT quilt (seriously- dogs AND choo choos on the SAME quilt???) at Marshalls for a heck of a deal. Thanks Cate! Great idea!

Finley loves the new bed- but still prefers to sleep on the floor in our room at night.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Are you SERIOUS?????!!!!!!!

So as you all know, we had the big ultrasound on Friday. Before we left the house we discussed finding out if it's a boy or a girl. Brandon wanted to know with Jack (I didn't, so we didn't find out!) and he said he really wanted to know this time. I figured, what the heck, we had it my way once, it's only fair. So after the ultrasound we got our first baby gift, and then the next morning headed out to the mall to buy the little stinker a gift. Any guesses as to what we're having????

That's right!!!

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!

I was so completely surprised! My exact quote to the ultrasound lady was "ARE YOU SERIOUS???" I just couldn't believe it! I was sure we'd have a house full of boys! What on earth will I do with a girl???? :)

We are so glad we found out- and so excited to have a little baby girl in the house. Jack's going to have a baby sister! Holy cow!

And now the debate over the name and how to decorate the baby's room begins!!!!

Here are some ultrasound pics. The first is yoga baby. Her head is on the lower left- with her arms extended over it, and those would be her legs that are up and over her head! The second is a profile shot. She's a beauty already! :) And did I tell you she weighs 13 ounces?

PS. She calculated the due date to be 4 days earlier than we had predicted. Even though they won't officially change it if it's less that a 1 week difference- I DO!

So please note the adjusted ticker at the top! :)

Jack's Birthday

So I'm a few weeks late in posting about his 2nd birthday. It was a great time- we had the family over for the Packer game and cake & ice cream. Just the right amount of people- Jack was only overwhelmed when we sang "Happy Birthday" to him. The kid does not like a crowd singing to him! Instead of ordering him a blue choo choo cake like he requested- I attempted to make one! Thank goodness my Aunt Barbara stopped by to lend a hand! It turned out pretty well I think! Jack sure enjoyed it!

Friday, January 25, 2008


The ultrasound was great! Baby is doing really well- very active! It was amazing to see it move and turn and put it's hands up to it's face... awesome!!! I'll have to post the pictures tomorrow, the scanner is unhooked at the moment. More details tomorrow, check back!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


We have our big almost 20 week ultrasound bright and early at 7:30 tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post tomorrow night! As usual I've been slacking on the email and blog front- I'm hoping to catch up this weekend. Until then.... look forward to news of Jack's big boy bed, Brandon's 5 day trip to San Antonio and the reorganization of the 2nd floor in preparation for the baby!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Baby? Is that you I feel turning somersaults and stretching in there?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Happy Birthday to our beautiful baby boy. We love you two year old!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

17 Weeks

We had a great appointment yesterday. We heard the heartbeat- nice and strong! The midwife measured my stomach and my uterus is measuring right at 17 weeks. I've gained 4 pounds so far and I'm getting more and more excited to hold this baby in my arms!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Here they are...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Here's the deal- we actually got some REAL pictures taken with a photographer while we were in Florida. There are a bunch of really great ones that I will be posting tomorrow night. Can you hang in there till then???

17 weeks and FINALLY I am feeling good. Remember how several weeks ago the morning sickness was 90% gone? Well apparently I never should have posted that because since then it's been even worse. For the past 2 days though- I haven't had to snack at school, and I don't wake up with that "I'm gonna hurl if I don't eat something IMMEDIATELY!" feeling. Finally! I hope this is really it.

My next appt is on Friday. Can't wait to hear the hearbeat again!

Monday, January 07, 2008


We've returned home from Florida. I miss it already! My baby will be 2 in 9 days and I'll be 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow!!! Could the time go any faster????