Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crying It Out

*She started waking up every 20 minutes at night (or at least it felt like it!) for her deedee (pacifier) so last night and tonight I swaddled her up, rocked her for a minute, put her in her crib with her deedee in her mouth and then walked out. Once the deedee fell out, she talked and screeched for about 5 minutes, cried for 15 and then fell sound asleep. Last night she woke up a time or two and fussed, but I didn't go in and she fell right back to sleep on her own. I'll do the same tonight. Now the question is, do we get rid of the deedees completely? She only uses them to sleep. Do we let her cry it out at nap time too? Apparently things get easier with the second kid. As she cried for the 15 minutes, instead of agonizing over our choice... I just turned the tv up louder. Hmmm.... what does that mean?!

*Tomorrow the kids will join me at school for the Halloween Parade. I'll put pictures up this weekend. We carved our pumpkin tonight. Only Jack has a carved one, we're too tired to carve one for each of us. How sad is that?? Jack absolutely would not touch the "seeds and guts" of the pumpkins. He was also the only kid at the pumpkin patch 2 weekends ago who spent the entire time searching the field for a "clean punkin". He was not happy with the level of dirt found on the pumpkins! What a wimp!

*Brandon took both kids to the pediatrician last week. Emma is 17 pounds at 4 months. We're waiting till closer to 6 months to start solid food. Fine by me, she'll be my baby that much longer! Jack got his flu shot- only a few tears!

*My mom, Emma, and I made the trip to North Carolina last weekend. We had a fantastic time at the wedding. Congrats to Becky and Joe! We also met new friends, hello to the Coronel Family! Glad you found the blog!

Much more this weekend... I'm off to bed!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


* Report cards were due yesterday. Conferences are next week. I can't wait till it's all over! There is just so much work involved with getting ready for both of those things. I have pretty demanding parents this year, so I guess I'm a little nervous about conferences. I've tried to kill the really difficult ones with kindness so far. Maybe that'll help me out in the long run.

* Brandon and I escaped to Door County last weekend. A woman from his work got married up there so we made a weekend out of it. It was so wonderful to get away. We slept in late (if you can call 8:00 late!!) and even went on a 10 mile bike ride through Peninsula State Park. The leaves were at their peak of color- so it was really beautiful. Jack and Emma were spoiled rotten by both Moe Moe and Obeo.

*Bampa and Moe Moe have the kids on a fun schedule of story times and playdates and art classes. Jack is loving his Pee Wee Picasso class. He is the king of glue sticks apparently! Today he is at his second zoo class with Brandon. The topic is horses. I'm sure he's having a blast.

*This morning we really started pushing the idea that when he turns three, his deedee's are going to be sent to Africa for the baby giraffes to use. (The kid loves animals, why not?) He'll always have his obeo (blanket) but it's really time for the deedees to be gone. The dentist he saw when he was one said they don't worry about the impact on the teeth until the kids are three. Another good reason to send them away. Jack uses both obeo and deedee at bedtime and then during the day if he needs a break. The rule is both things must stay upstairs and he's really good about it. I'm hoping our nice mailman, Alex, will play along with our shipment to Africa.

*Some shmuck stole our Obama yard sign last week. Jack was VERY upset by it and is glad to have a new one. We stuck it closer to the house in the hopes that nobody would take it. A neighbor from 2 blocks down said he's lost 2 signs already. I'm pretty sure that John McCain does not advocate stealing yard signs to prove a point. I'm assuming our thief is a McCain fan- why else would someone want to swipe an Obama sign?

*Emma's baptism is going to be on November 16th. I spent WAY too long designing the invitations- but I loved how they turned out. We're hoping lots of family will be able to come. You never know with the busy schedule people have these days.

*Next weekend my mom and I are off to North Carolina for a wedding. I hope the weather is nice- it's a wedding on the beach!

*Tomorrow we are off to the same pumpkin patch we went to last year. They still have that super fun slide and hay ride. I can't wait to see how much fun Jack has this year. He had a good time last year, but I really think he'll be into it tomorrow.

*Instead of making their Halloween costumes like a lot of moms do- I took the easy way out and ordered them online! It sure is nice to have them delivered to your doorstep! Jack chose his costume and Emma's. They are both darling. You'll have to wait till Halloween for the pictures!

And now for some pictures of the kids...


Little Miss Purple

Can't quite sit up yet, Mom!

Check out those jeans!
Snow Queen and the Tennessee football player

4 Months

Dear Emma,

You turned 4 months old 8 days ago. I'm pretty sure your brother got a blog post the very second he turned one month older. I hope you know that Mama being late with your letter doesn't mean I love you any less. It just means that our lives are so filled up to the top with fun stuff going on, I don't always have a moment to sit down and write. But I'm always thinking of you no matter what I do and I love you more each and every day.

Now that you are 4 months old you get to do even more fun stuff. We got out the Jumpy thing for the doorway and the Exercaucer. How you love both of those! Being able to stand up and play with all sorts of toys- all while screeching and watching what's going on... you couldn't be happier! You are absolutely enthralled with your big brother. You like to watch his every move and he is so happy to provide your entertainment. His favorite thing to do for you is jump on the bed while you lie back on the pillows and watch. He's only landed on you once or twice and you didn't seem to mind! Oh the joys of being the second child. Mama and Daddy aren't so over the top protective of you like we probably were with Jack.

Your hair has really changed in the past 4 months. It has gone from very black to very light brown. It still gets curly after your bath- we'll see if that continues! Your eyes are the prettiest shade of blue- but sometimes I wonder if they won't start turning just a little hazel like your Mama's. You have really started grabbing for toys and brining everything into your mouth. Jack gets such a kick out of showing you new baby toys he has found in the toy basket. Your favorite by far is the giraffe that Jack also loved. You are up to about 8 ounces every feeding now. You are probably more than ready to start some baby cereal, but we'll have to wait for the ok from Dr. Ubell. We had been giving you prune juice every couple of days to keep things consistent if you know what I mean... that's gotten much better lately!

You are a joy in our lives, Emma. We are thankful to have you happy and healthy in our family. We love you.


Mama and Daddy-O and Jack