Sunday, August 26, 2007

I almost forgot...

On Friday night we had dinner with our buddy Taylor and her Mama and Daddy. Here are the 2 kids doing a little duet! FYI They are 6 weeks apart in age.

Pictures of my classroom

My classroom doorCubbies to the left as you walk in

Desks and my storage closet
Looking to the door
The writing corner
Bulletin board and cubbies to the right as you walk in
word wall and white board (those containers on the floor were headed home!)
Reading corner
My desk

Reading corner and calendarMy desk
3 bulletin boards (kept mostly empty to show student work)

So Fresh and So Clean

What a weekend! We were on organization patrol... Jack's closet, the playroom closet, our closet, the office closet... all ORGANIZED!!! Amazing. What a good feeling. Brandon and I also snuck in a trip to an outlet mall to get me all set up with new clothes for a new school year! Oh the fun of shopping for yourself without a 19 month old in tow!! It was fabulous.

Jack had another great day at school on Friday. He happily went inside and into his classroom on his own, but then turned to me and started crying. I gave him a kiss and a hug and said goodbye. When I picked him up at 4:15, he was sitting on the little step that leads to where the kids eat lunch, with yellow blankie over his head. I stood there and watched for a minute. He then took off yellow blankie and rolled around on the floor with the other kids, laughing. When I said "Hi, Jack!" he smiled and then RAN AWAY FROM ME! He ran straight to the toys and only after I crouched down and asked for a hug did he head my way! He then showed me where he sits to eat lunch, and danced to the ABC song playing on the stereo. What a relief to really know that he's enjoying his new school. My heart feels so good about this one. According to Miss Nikki, he had a great day. They did a cook-out for lunch and Jack loved him some hot dogs! You know how he is about hot dogs!! He also took a good nap, and just had a great day.

I'm going to have to take a video of him giving Miss Nikki a hug goodbye and then blowing kisses and waving to all of his friends. It'll melt your heart for sure!

Tomorrow is the first day of my new life... back to school! I have a new faculty meeting tomorrow, then 3 days of regular meetings. School starts a week from Tuesday. I can't wait!

I'm going to post this and then add pictures to a new post. It's easier that way!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


We are exhausted over here. This new schedule will be hard to get used to!

Jack had a great day at school. He was hysterical when Brandon dropped him off, but got over it pretty quickly and had fun with the other kids. He even ate his lunch and took a pretty good nap. His new best friend (girlfriend???) is a little girl named Naquaysha (I know I'm spelling that wrong.) Apparently he likes her so much, he offered her his yellow blankie today!! She has also taught him a new game... run around and then fall on the floor and roll all over while laughing. It could be worse- at least he's not learning any naughty words at school! I'll take the falling on the floor any day!

Since his days are so busy now, he's in bed and sound asleep by 7:15. It cuts short our time together, but boy is he ready for bed!

I spent all day at school, got a lot accomplished, but there is so much more to do! I'm headed to bed, getting up early is kicking my butt!!!!

I know that I owe you classroom pictures! I'll take more tomorrow since my room is pretty much done!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

1st Day of School

Jack did very well on his first day. He happily ran to the steps when we got there and refused any help to climb them. It was as if he knew it was his first day, and he wanted to be a big boy right away! He got a little clingy when we got inside, so I turned him over to his teacher, Miss Nikki and went to pay the director and put his stuff in his cubbie. I heard him crying when I left, but I walked out the door anyway. I knew that would be better than saying goodbye all over again. Driving away was weird- the car was too quiet. No singing in the backseat or anyone yelling "buh!" every time I passed a bus. I was wondering if I'd cry, and I'm glad I didn't. I just knew he'd be ok there.

When I got back to pick him up, he was hanging out in Miss Nikki's rocking chair with nukie and yellow blankie. He cried when he saw me, but then smiled and showed me all of the toys. Miss Nikki said he did really well for his first day. He cried for about 15 minutes after I left, but then he participated and loved circle time, songs, and stories. He even colored a picture of a dog during art time! When it came time for lunch he cried and wouldn't eat, so that's when she gave him yellow blankie and nukie and put him in her chair. I am so proud of how he did! And I'm even more proud about how much FUN he had! I knew this would be great for him!

Tomorrow will be his first full day. Hopefully he'll eat lunch when he's supposed to and take a nap on his new orange sleeping bag we got him from Target. Brandon will be dropping him off (since that's the plan for when school really starts for me) and then picking him up since I have a 2nd grade back to school party to go to. Usually I'll be the one who picks him up. Here are a few pictures- enjoy!
1st Day of School!

Doing a few squats before we leave!

Totally normal, right?

He loves wearing yb over his head

and occasionally chasing Finley

Watching a show on leopards

Could he look anymore like a 5 year old???

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Jack will be headed to school tomorrow for the morning. We're starting him off with a half day, and then he'll be there all of Thursday and Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does. We went and hung out in his classroom for a while on Monday morning and he loved all of the toys and songs. I know it'll probably be rough for a while, but I know it'll be so good for him to play with all of the other kids and get to know his teacher, Miss Nikki.

Tonight we went out to dinner with Timmy and Liz and then went to Target. Jack led the way on foot- no more shopping carts for him!

I'll be spending my time at school- the rooms have been cleaned so now I can set up the desks and get everything else in it's place-- I'll post pictures soon!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Valentine's Baby

A huge congratulations to one of my best buddies, Laura. She's gonna be a Mama in February!!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

19 Months

The word for this past month has been independence.

Brushing your teeth and washing your hands at the sink like a big boy, going for walks with Puppa, Mama, Daddy-O, and the empty stroller, walking through Target and the grocery store- picking out what we need. Only a few examples of how you are truly taking on this big wide world. You still adore yellow blankie and nukie, you try new words everyday, you understand 99% of what we say, you love your Puppa more than anything.

The next month will bring a few big changes to your world, Jack. Mama's going back to work and you'll be going to "school" a few days a week. We know it'll be an adjustment for everyone, but we also know that it's what's right for our family. You are loved more than ever Stinky, our precious baby boy.

P.S. I have no idea why the pictures are so spread out at the end. Help me if you know how to fix it!
Reading the latest postcard from Grammy!

I saw the squirrel!
Do you see it?

A good spot for a rest

Pampers Fort

Mad about something...

REALLY mad about something...

What a smile!

I wish I could have a turtle Mama

Smelling the flowers with Daddy-O

Mama and Jack waving from the big slide at the state fair!


Not a tear or scream from Jack... but Mama's heart was pounding!!!!

Taking a snack break with Super Nana

Checking out an animal with Daddy-O

Super Nana and Jack take on the State Fair!

Baby pigs

Monday, August 13, 2007

Out of Touch...

I've been so busy recently- the days have flown by! Thanks to Uncle Timmy, Auntie Liz, and Moe Moe and Grandpa M, I've been able to work my tail off in my new classroom!

Pictures of my new room to come... hang in there!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Here you go Liz and Ali in D.C.

New pictures...

On our way to Grandpa's
Finley's excited to spend the week at Camp Grandpa!
Dinner at the Union
See how tall this kid is already?
Jack and Mama
Daddy-O, Jack, and the Bucky Badger Car!
Mister's Baby Sister

Checking out the motorcycles

Bear Hugs
Such good buddies
Pure joy: Chasing your buddy around the ice cream store!
Exhausted after a game of "put every hotel room pillow in the pack-n-play, then stand on the ottoman and jump in!"

More baby sister
Passing the time in the car
The $5.00 nap cap. You make him wear the hat- then velcro the straps on the hat to the car seat. No more head drooping while napping! Worked for the first 30 minutes. Then he ripped it off.

Checking out the toys at Target
Finley looking mighty fine after his grooming appt.
You mean Mama! I want to go outside RIGHT NOW!!!