Sunday, January 17, 2010

An Interview with Jack

I'm repeating the questions I asked last year... let's see how's he's changed...

What do you want to be when you grow up? A zookeeper

What is your favorite color? dark purple, dark pink, and dark blue

Who do you love the most? Mama and Moe Moe and Obeo and Daddy and Emma

What's your favorite movie? Cars

What's your favorite drink? Milk

What's your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Chicken

What's your favorite restaurant? Pasta Puke (Which is really called Bravo, but since Brandon hates it and he calls it Pasta Puke- that's what Jack calls it. How mature.)

What's your favorite toy to play with? All my cars from the movie, Cars

What kind of birthday cake did you want this year? A one with Buddy and Tiny on it (from the show Dinosaur Train)

What do you dream about at night? Dinosaurs walking on a moving house and then some aliens come and pick it up.

Do you like taking baths or showers? Both

What do you love about Puppa? I like hugging him all the time.

How old are you now? Four

Where do you want to go to College? I don't know- high school

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? To Florida

Who do you miss? Nae Nae and Dude

What makes you laugh? Emma splashing in the bathtub

Hugs or kisses? Both

White milk or chocolate? Both

What are you afraid of? Monsters

Are you going to get married? No

What's your favorite song? I don't know, I'll have to think about it. I'll have to dream about it tonight.

Stay in your jammies or get dressed? STAY IN MY JAMMIES!

What do you love about Emma? I love when she plays with her babies

What's your favorite thing to say? Holy Guacamole

Do you love your Mama? Yes Why? Cause, I don't know, I forgot

Four Years Old

January 16th, 2010

My firstborn love is now a 4 year old. He goes to preschool, makes his own lunch, gets himself dressed mostly on his own, plays with his sister, knows lots of letters and numbers, loves the movie "Cars", writes his name all by himself, and loves to play, play, play.

He has a great sense of humor and gives some really great "jump hugs".

We have loved every single moment with our boy and look forward to all the moments to come.

Your love letters are in your baby box, Jack.

I love you all the time my precious boy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

She must read The Petro's...

A video of our girl... her latest phrase- "Uh Oh Spaghetti-o!" Jack is already in bed tonight. He had a fever yesterday and is just feeling yucky. He will hopefully be all set to go for his big 4th birthday on Saturday!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

19 Months

Not sure about the zoo...

The baby girl turned nineteen months on Sunday. Her latest words are Chloe (the dog across the street), broccoli, snow, and moo (which means cottage cheese because there's a cow on the container).

She's been busy playing with her babies and Jack's cars. She still gives Finley hugs every chance she gets and is the only one allowed to feed him.

Her hair is out of control most of the time and she dances like Steven Tyler.

We adore her!
Love you Ems,