Saturday, May 31, 2008

Big Fat Nothing

Nothing going on-- no cramping/contractions. I feel pretty normal actually.

The calm before the storm? Is she waiting for my mom to get home tonight?

I have another appointment with the midwife on Monday. We'll see what she says....

Happy Waiting!!! :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Nothing New

I had one painful contraction while walking, some more cramping... and nothing really all evening. I'm off to bed now... maybe tomorrow will be more exciting?

Stayed Home

I stayed home from school today. I didn't sleep well last night- partly due to some very sporadic and mild cramps, and partly due to Brandon's snoring. I ended up sleeping in till noon! Thank goodness Moe Moe and Bampa could come over to take over Jack duty!

I'm still feeling a little icky. I'm going to go walk around the neighborhood with Moe Moe once Jack is down for his nap. Walking is supposed to help, right?

I called my mom (she's in Kenya!) and told her to get her butt on the plane! She will be home tomorrow night. I said I'd keep my legs crossed till then! ;)

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Feeling a little ickier today... something must be up down there!!! :)

Jack was the mystery reader at school today! The kids were very surprised and were stumped by the clues until the last one. He "read" The Very Hungry Caterpillar and brought doughnuts for the kids. He was a huge hit!

After that he went to the Brewer game with Brandon. They lasted 7 whole innings! It was a great Jack and Daddy day.

All of the teachers are expecting me to stay home from school tomorrow, but we'll see how I feel and I'm sure I'll end up going.

**And one more thing- Jack probably has pink eye. He's headed to the doctor tomorrow. Just what we need, a gross infection in time for the baby!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are we ready?

We better be!

Almost 4 cm dilated!! 30-40% effaced!!!

The midwife says no way will I make it to the due date! Fine by me!!! Now if I can just make it to the last day of school a week from today....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Not bad! Not bad at all!!!!

We had our doctor appointment today- she did the culture to see if I have Group B Strep (if I do then I'll be on i.v. antibiotics during labor and delivery) and she checked to see if anything is going on yet....

I'm already 2 cm dilated!!!!!


Of course I could be like that for weeks without anything happening- but it sure is a good sign!

We can cross off getting the BPA free bottles from our list- Moe Moe, Bampa, and Jack took care of that shopping trip today!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


That's my sound for how I'm feeling right now. Just plain crappy!

I caught the cough that Jack has had for weeks now- it's really fun having a chest cold when you're 9 months pregnant, let me just tell you!

Hardly any sleep because of the coughing plus the wonderful feeling of an almost full term baby trying to escape from you stomach any way she can.

How's that for positive???!!!!

I was supposed to have my 36 week appointment yesterday, but when I got there my midwife had just left to deliver a baby. The nerve! So we're going tomorrow. I'll update for sure.

The baby's bag is packed for the hospital- my bag is halfway packed- and Brandon hasn't even started. The last few things on our baby to do list are:
*install car seat bases
*buy BPA free baby bottles
*put the swing together again

Jack has been having more "2 year old moments"- he'll go from sweet little angel to devil child in the blink of an eye! Thank god we love him so much! He seems to really get that baby sister is on the way- we'll see about that!

Finley is still the wonder dog of all wonder dogs. Jack's new favorite trick is "hiding" a few treats for Finley and then saying "ok!" when he can go get them. Too bad Jack's idea of hiding them is putting them all on the coffee table! We'll have to work on challenging that dog a little bit more.

Here are the pics I've been promising for weeks:
Fantastic blankets my mom ordered for the baby

Baby Girl's closetThese pictures used to be in our dining room!

Laura and Ivy

A smile for Tricia
Big fat belly!
Jack has been talking about sharing his obeeoh with baby sister for weeks- he got a chance to practice by sharing it with Ivy! She had her own deedee though.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

35 Weeks

We had another appointment yesterday. All is going perfectly. My blood pressure is excellent, the baby's head is still down, and I've only gained 20 pounds! Wahoo!

We go back in a week. She'll do an exam to see if anything is going on yet- I can't believe we are SO close to the end!!

After the appointment Brandon high tailed it up to the attic to get the carseat, bathtub, and the other baby equipment that we'll need. I think he's realizing how close it is too!

I have many, many pictures to post- all of baby girls clothes, her room, my expanding stomach, pics of my buddy Laura, her baby Ivy, and my buddy Tricia... I'll get on that soon!

Tonight we tour the birth center!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

"Happa Day Mama Day!"

It was a perfect "Mama Day."

Pancakes, presents, lounging on the couch, and a clean house-

way to go Daddy-O!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

"She'll Never Have to Go Naked"

**We've spent the weekend getting Baby Girl's clothes, room, and accessories ready. What a job! After FOUR huge loads of laundry- it's almost all put away. Thanks to lots of great people- this girl has got a major wardrobe. My mom was right, she'll never have to go naked!

I'll post some pictures of her bed and her closet- it's all coming together!!

34 weeks already! Can you even believe it?????!!!!!!