Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Whole Year- well done!

Over a whole year since I last posted- way to go! So much for keeping up!

What's new?

Jack is now seven years old! He is super tall, skinny, loves sports, is starting to test us by not always listening, loves to read, and is a fabulous kid.

Emma is now five years old! She grew 3 inches this year and has really lost her babyness. She loves playing pretent with her doll house stuff, loves "reading" books, riding her bike, choosing her own clothes, drives us nuts with her spicy attitude, and is a fabulous kid.

They are both in summer school at Lincoln- the school they will go to in the fall. I am so incredibly proud of how brave they have been. They both march right into their classes and come out with smiles 3 hours later. I'm still amazed that they actually trusted our decision to switch schools. It's going to be so great!

I'm also looking forward to having less pressure on me during the days at school. I always wanted to go check on them and make sure they were ok. The mornings were nuts trying to get them up, fed, dressed, and in the car by 7am. I felt so guilty on days when I had to work late and we didn't get home till after 5 o'clock. Switching schools is just a good thing.

I just love who they are growing up to be.