Sunday, September 30, 2007


I've been teaching for nearly a month now. I absolutely love my new school. I was a touch nervous about teaching 2nd grade- they seem so much younger than my 4th graders. I worried it might be a tough transition for me. Boy, was I wrong! It's gone so smoothly- and I'm loving it. When you take away the pressures of teaching in a public school (larger class size, standardized testing, etc) and get to be a teacher in a totally different environment, it's very eye opening. I spend so much more time with each individual child- something I really couldn't do well with 24 kids in my room. I feel like I'm getting to know them on such a deep level.

I can honestly say that I love teaching more now than I ever have before. And I loved it before! I really enjoyed being a teacher. But there's something about the pace at this school that allows me to sit back and really enjoy what I'm doing. Maybe it's that I only have 10 spelling tests to grade at a time, or that it's ok if you're a few minutes late to Spanish cause you were in the middle of a science experiment, or maybe it's that I feel like I have the time to really spend a few weeks on subtraction if they just aren't getting it and not worry about where that puts us on our schedule for preparing for the state assessments. There's just something about it...


This weekend was great- on Friday night Brandon and I attended the 2nd grade parents/teachers cocktail party! I told you this school was different!!! I wasn't sure what to expect- and was pleasantly surprised. It was held at the house of one of my students. The house was REALLY nice (hello, they pay big $$$ to send their kid to my school!) and my student was beyond excited to have his TEACHER in his own HOUSE!! He gave me the grand tour before retiring to his playroom with the babysitter. It was a great evening- so nice to be able to relax and get to know a ton of parents in a different way. I have a feeling that things like conferences are going to go really well since the parents know me as a person too, not just the teacher.

On Saturday we went out to lunch with Uncle Timmy and Auntie Liz. Jack was being a total toddler all weekend- one minute he loves you, the next minute you're scum! After Jack and I took our naps- we headed to Perkins with Grandpa and Auntie Liz- gotta love Perkins!

This morning we went to church. I'm working in the church nursery 2 Sundays a month- so Jack was happy as a clam to stay with me and play with all the toys. After church we met Uncle Timmy and Auntie Liz out for breakfast at this great resaurant we've driven my a million times and always wanted to try. It was fabulous! Next we were on to grocery shopping. My dad loves our grocery store, so we go every Sunday after church. Jack and I took naps this afternoon, then the 3 of us played outside, ate at QDoba for dinner, went to the park, took Finley for a walk, and then watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It was a great weekend!

Jack's vocabulary sort of exploded last week. He's finally ready to not just smile when you ask him to say a word- but to try and repeat it! So far he's added: yellow, apple, deer, bee, and grandpa to his list.

Another week is upon us- October already! We're ready for fall- and heading to the apple orchard- I've also got to order Jack's Halloween costume!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I get the point... you want pictures! Now quit calling to bug me about it!!!!

Playing at the playground
Resting on the way to the playground

It's not a purse. It's an easter basket. I swear.

In the dog house we built for Finley

Happy to be up north

Checking out the pontoon boat

Licking the pontoon boat

On Uncle Timmy's shoulders

Going on a hike with Auntie Liz and Uncle Timmy

I can do it by myself!

Thanks for the helicopter and hat Grammy! Now I'll look like all the kids in Kenya during the winter!

Some sort of weird model pose

Lovin' my new jammies

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You can call me slacker.

I'm too tired to post anything!!! (Do you hear the whining???!!!!)

Pictures and videos tomorrow... maybe.

Thanks for the new shoes Grandpa! We love them!

Did you get your new shoes too, Mister?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

1 Year Anniversary

Happy 1 year anniversary to us!

1 year ago today we moved into our house. It's been an interesting year, filled with ups and downs. I'm so glad to say that 1 year later, I'm happy to be living here!

20 Months

Happy 20 month birthday Stinky!

This past month has absolutely flown by. We changed things up a bit in your life- Mama went back to work and you hang out with Moe Moe and Bampa 3 days a week and go to school 2 days a week.

Looking back at how it's gone- and is going- you've been a real trooper. As usual! We knew you'd love hanging out with your grandparents- and you certainly do. From organizing your matchbox cars to heading to the library- they keep you very busy and you love it. School has also gone well for you. You still cry for a few minutes when we drop you off, but you cheer up within minutes and then really enjoy your teachers and your friends. We are so proud of you for being a big boy and enjoying this new adventure in your life.

There are other new things going on too. We put the high chair in the attic a few weeks ago and now you sit at the table like a big boy on your booster seat. I love looking across the table at your smiling face and doing "cheers!" with our glasses. Another big milestone is that we've put away your downstairs baby gate! You now know that you shouldn't go down to the basement, or up the stairs to your room without us. We can trust you to stay off the stairs when we're all downstairs together- and you love running the circle between the living room, dining room and kitchen! You're also getting really good at going up and down the stairs by yourself. As long as there's a railing nearby, you can do it all by yourself!

Independence continues to be the theme with you, Jack. You love picking out your shirt in the morning, getting Puppa's dog food, and walking around the neighborhood. We are amazed at how fast you're growing up. You look more and more like a little boy and less and less like a baby every single day. We love you all the time Baybo!

Mama and Daddy-O

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So glad I got the chance to hold him, talk to him, and let him know that I love him too.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sick and Tired

We're sick and tired over here. The first week of school was great- but it has left me completely exhausted! Jack still has a cold, and now the pink eye is back. Brandon caught Jack's cold and since I'm so tired, I caught some sort of stomach bug last night. Ick!

School is really going so incredibly well. 10 kids is just a dream. Time to focus on everyone and get stuff done during the day. How did I ever teach 24??

More pictures and posts once we're all on the mend!

Good luck to our buddy Mister on his first day of preschool tomorrow! You'll do great, kid!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

1st Day of School

It went really well. The kids are cute- but short! And since they're only 7 years old, by 2:00 they were all ready for a nap!

Jack has a sinus infection... thank goodness the in-laws are around to take him to the doctor! He's loving the raspberry flavored antibiotic- and pretty much not missing me much during the day! :)