Friday, March 30, 2007

We're Here!

Everything was amazingly easy- he walked through the security check point all by himself (with his shoes off of course!) and all of the security people clapped for him! I gave him his Motrin and Benadryl which made him super sleepy. He slept for about 25 minutes- but was woken up by all of the announcements and beverage carts going by. We looked at his sticker book and watched about 3 minutes of his Elmo movie. The highlight of the trip was when the chocolate chip cookie cart came by! As soon as that basket of cookies reached us, he held up his hands to ask for his own! He gobbled it right up, but not before using it as a phone, so I had to clean the chocolate off of his ear! We took the Metro to my sister's apartment after meeting my dad at the airport. Jack LOVED the Metro! He insisted on getting out of his stroller so he could stand on the seat and look out the window. He took a pretty good nap yesterday afternoon and then we took him out to dinner. I brought several of those Gerber Graduate meals with us to save some money. He ate that while the rest of us had real food. After dinner we walked down to the monuments- there's just something special about seeing those monuments at night. Breathtaking. Jack was very tired when we all finally went to bed- around 10pm! He slept straight through the night and is getting ready for his morning nap right now. After his nap we're headed to the Building Museum, a walk around the Cherry Blossoms, and a visit to his Auntie Liz at work. Should be super fun!

PS. Jack met up with another of his favorite D.C aunties last night- Auntie Farya gave him a really cute Winnie the Pooh book and a Ladybug book. He looked at them again this morning and loved them! Thanks Auntie Farya!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Drugged Up

Tomorrow Jack and I are flying to D.C. to visit my sister. I've gotten a ton of advice from moms of toddlers who have flown with them before. Stickers, movies, books, new toys, and snacks seem to be popular choices for entertaining kids during long flights. The best advice I received however was from the doctor today. I took him in because he had a cold last week, it left, and now it's back again. Usually that means an ear infection and I really didn't want to fly to D.C. without knowing what was up. The ears are fine, thank goodness. Now for the best advice ever- DRUG THAT KID UP! Especially since the doctor saw that he has a bunch of molars about to break through, he said making sure he was drowsy for the flight would be so much easier on both of us. So before we board the plane, a dose of Motrin for the molars and a dose of Benadryl to make him drowsy. Best advice ever!

We'll still play with the book of 600 stickers and watch a movie though! :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Happy 100th Post to Me!!!

A picture and a video...just because there are lots of people out there who don't get to see Jack-a-roo everyday and wish they could.

Veggie Enchilada boys have to go straight to the tub!

This kid is the light of my life...


Tell me why I allow this child to eat spaghetti!

All aboard!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

Yesterday it was almost 80 degrees here and today is the same!!! What a welcome change from the especially cold and snowy winter we've had. I'm sure it'll get cooler again before the warmer temps are here to stay- but it sure is nice getting a sneak peek!

We had another fairly busy weekend. On Saturday afternoon I went to a movie with my dad while Jack stayed with his Daddy-O. It was a movie we had been waiting to see for weeks- based on a book by an author we both love. It was really good! We all went to an early dinner Saturday night because I had more plans to get out of the house! I went and saw the local high school's production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" with Bella's mama. We had a great time out on our own without the kids. We even stopped in at Starbuck's afterwards and I didn't get home till 10:45pm!!!! Living on the wild side I tell ya!

On Sunday my dad and I took Jack to church with us. We hadn't brought him in a few weeks cause it's during his morning nap time and now that he's walking... not so much fun chasing a toddler around during church. We decided to bring him this week cause there are so many people there who love saying hi to him and seeing how he's grown since his baptism. They also have a room called the cribbery where infants and toddlers can go during the service if you want them to. He made it just fine for the first 25 minutes- thanks to some snacks and yellow blankie. When he started getting really squirmy, I took him to the cribbery. There were about 3 or 4 other little boys just around his age in there- not that Jack even noticed them at all- they had a FISH TANK! And Jack LOVES LOVES LOVES fish!

I stayed with him for a bit, then got him interested in the train table, and left. The mom in charge took my cell phone number and yellow blankie in case he had trouble. I checked in on him once- saw that he was fine, and then went back to get him after church was over. He did so great! He started to cry a little bit before I got there, so he had yellow blankie and nukie with him- but he was playing like a good boy when I walked up to him. It was so nice to sit in church and listen, knowing that he was having fun playing. I'm hesitant to leave him in situations like that, being home with me all day has made our bond super strong, and suddenly leaving him on his own with strangers always makes my heart break a little. I'm just so glad he proved to me (and himself) that he can play for a bit on his own.

On Sunday afternoon we ran some errands- just the 3 of us. I love that time together. It's what I miss the most about Kansas City. We used to have all the time in the world as just our little family- and now that we live here, there's always something going on or people to visit or visiting us. We love spending time with our family, but we're going to start making it a priority to have that alone time as often as we can. It's important for us not to lose that.

Something kind of unexpected about living in this neighborhood- there are chipmunks EVERYWHERE!! The ones that live outside of our house have recently come out of hibernation- or hiding- or whatever it is they do during the winter. Today while we were outside, Jack had his first experience with the chippies. 2 of them were chasing each other all over the side of the house- in and out of the gutter drain thingys- Jack couldn't have been more surprised to see the little critters! He gave me his "oooh" face and then we had to walk up and down up and down up and down the sidewalk so we could follow them. It was really cute. I just hope they don't try to move in to the house!

Thank goodness our buddy Mister sent us a bunch of summer jammies! We sure needed them last night! Jack sure loves his cooking utensils.

Mouth full of cracker

More proof that he does have hair!

What does this thing do?

Another skill mastered this weekend- standing up on his own! Without holding onto anything!!! What a talented kid!

Carrying a wood chip around

How's this for a smile, Mama???!!!!

What in the #@$# was that??? Chipmunks!!!!!

Must find the chipmunks!

Don't worry, he's not peeing.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Judy the groomer called this morning to check on Finley. Now that's customer service!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Handsome Devil

He made it through just fine. Of course he hates me now and won't come near me since I'm the one who took him. At least he looks nice!

Pouting on the couch. How could you have taken me there??

Checking on his Puppa


How is it possible that today was his FIRST time at a park? I didn't take him last summer, cause it honestly never came to mind. And now that he's walking- it seemed like a good time to try it out.

Think he had fun?

When he first walked up to this tree- he froze about a foot in front of it. Apparently he'd never been that close to a tree and was a little nervous!


My ticker was broken- so here's a new one with a train!


Just got a message from the vet- thyroid levels are normal.

Then why does he have such weird hair????

I'll be asking them when I go pick him up.

Got a message earlier from the groomer- he's doing really well. Resting comfortably between procedures.


Those of you who have seen Finley in person know that his dog hair is NOT NORMAL DOG HAIR! The hair/fur, whatever, on his shoulders and rear end is especially soft and fluffy and white. It's also VERY thick and impossible to manage. The rest of his hair/fur is just as difficult. Because of this, he always ends up with mats. They are impossible to brush out, and I always end up cutting or shaving them out. When we took him to the vet a few months ago, after they looked at his fur, they suggested doing a blood test to see if it's a problem with his thyroid. Since it's very common with Goldens, and our dog seems to have every problem that's common to Goldens, I'm thinking that's what's up. So I finally took him to the vet last night for the blood draw (we should know later today) and also met with their groomer.

This lady was AWESOME! She was so incredibly friendly and knowledgeable. When she looked at his fur, she also agreed that it's probably his thyroid and that if we get it treated, his hair will totally change. She also agreed that because of his current hair situation, staying on top of the mats, etc. is darn near impossible. So this morning I dropped him off for his first grooming appointment with her.

The last time we got him groomed (remember this Auntie LaNae??) was in Kansas City, and after being home for a few hours- he COULD NOT even stand up on his own! His legs were so tired and sore that he couldn't stand up without our help. It was horrible. I suspect that it was a combination of things. #1 He had his acl repaired a few years ago, and that back leg is still fairly stiff sometimes. He's been on joint support supplements ever since the surgery, but it still gets stiff. #2 In order to be groomed, a dog has to stand for long periods of time and then sit in a kennel to dry, or wait their turn for the next procedure. #3 Finley gets VERY nervous at the vet, and at places he doesn't know. He'll start shaking as soon as we get close to the door. All of these things probably added up to his problem with standing after that appointment. I explained all of that to this new lady, and she was so nice about it. She said that it's not worth harming the dog just to get the whole bath/haircut/blow dry done in one day. She suggested seeing how he's doing and maybe coming back a few days later to complete the appt. Also, she said that she has a corner area blocked off with baby gates that he could stay in instead of a kennel. She said she has quilts on the floor and he could lay down and rest there. Since he sleeps on a folded up comforter on our floor every night, I'm sure he'd love that.

The groomer said she'd call throughout the day to let me know how he's doing and if he's too nervous to continue. I feel so good about her that I hope he's ok enough to stay. He's going to be one handsome devil when he returns!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Rooooock Chaaaaalk Jaaaaayhaaaaawwwwkkkk KKKKKKKKUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Rooooock Chaaaaalk Jaaaaayhaaaaawwwwkkkk KKKKKKKKUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Ladies Man

Jack went to Bella's birthday party today. A lot of the guests were sick and couldn't come, so Jack was the only boy there. He's only 14 months and the 2 girls are 3, so he watched in awe as they ran back and forth screeching and playing with balloons, Dora figurines, pretend make-up, and stuffed animals. He ate 2 pieces of pizza for lunch and ate the cupcake for dessert all by himself. First he picked off all the frosting (pink of course) and then he dug in to the actual cupcake. He was a mess at the end, but he sure loved every bite! After lunch we went outside to color with chalk on the sidewalk. Jack spent the time walking back and forth on the sidewalk carrying 2 bubble containers. He's an official walker now! He had a good time at the party and took a GREAT nap this afternoon!! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

At Home

Good thing #243 about being home with him all day is that I can take a million pictures and video clips!

I remember doing this with Finley when he was a puppy- watching out the screen door during a thunderstorm so he won't be afraid of the rain and thunder.

This silly gray box can't stop me!

I know there's a little green light on this thing that I just need to play with!

Here's a video to prove to you all that he does the sign language for please. Well, the correct way is to rub your hand in a circle right under your throat- and he kind of just feels up his whole chest and tummy... but it's close enough!!!

You know what's cool?

When you're cooking dinner and you hear little footsteps coming your way- and then there's a 14 month old hugging your legs and saying "MAMAMAMAMAMA!"

That's cool.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not the most boring video ever

This is how fast he is- by the time I'd get to the other side of the room to start recording, he'd be halfway there already!

I'll try to get some more tonight after my brother gets home. Daddy O is in Pennsylvania till later tonight.

"The Most Boring Video Ever"

I'm uploading the one with him walking now... so enjoy this while you wait!

Just for Auntie Liz in D.C.

To tide her over till I get the video up...

Monday, March 19, 2007

There he goes!

Well just like that, he gets the whole walking on his own thing! In the past 24 hours he's gone from prefering to crawl, or holding onto somebody's hand... to walking all on his own, even turning around and catching himself when he loses his balance for a moment! Today he walked all the way from the couch in the living room to the steps by the kitchen! Hooray!!!

Video tomorrow... promise!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

14 Months

Our stinky toddler is now 14 months old. I'd say it's hard to believe, but after going out to dinner last night- YOU BETTER BELIEVE WE'VE GOT A 14 MONTH OLD TODDLER!!!

He sat pretty nicely in the high chair for about 5 minutes. After scarfing down his taco, and flinging half the rice onto the table, he proceeded to look around and SCREECH at the top of his lungs. Not really whining or crying- just making noise to make noise. He alternated between banging his hands on the table and "standing up" in his high chair by standing on the top rung. It's a good thing they make seat belts for those things. We spent the rest of the time taking turns walking him around the back of the restaurant so everyone else could eat in peace. I think we're done with restaurants for a while!

Let's see... other Jack news... he's walking better everyday. He's really good at walking, and even running a bit if he's got a hand to hold onto. This week I've been working on making him walk without holding my hand. He can get pretty far before he sits down or falls down. He's coming along in terms of communicating. Still no real words yet, but he's now a pro at using sign language for "more" and "please". It sure makes things easier when he wants something! Yesterday he came down with the sniffles- the head cold I had is now hitting him. Last night he was up every couple of hours- he can't really breathe through his nose, which means he can't really suck on his pacifier- so he woke up crying. We're exhausted today- we'd been on a streak of at least 3 weeks of sleeping through the night. At least we know the reason is his cold this time. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.

Nothing much else to report- we're making a last minute trip to D.C. to see my sister and all of Jack's D.C. "aunties" in 2 weeks. We're also in the middle of planning our trip to Kenya to see my mom.

Here are some pics...