He sat pretty nicely in the high chair for about 5 minutes. After scarfing down his taco, and flinging half the rice onto the table, he proceeded to look around and SCREECH at the top of his lungs. Not really whining or crying- just making noise to make noise. He alternated between banging his hands on the table and "standing up" in his high chair by standing on the top rung. It's a good thing they make seat belts for those things. We spent the rest of the time taking turns walking him around the back of the restaurant so everyone else could eat in peace. I think we're done with restaurants for a while!
Let's see... other Jack news... he's walking better everyday. He's really good at walking, and even running a bit if he's got a hand to hold onto. This week I've been working on making him walk without holding my hand. He can get pretty far before he sits down or falls down. He's coming along in terms of communicating. Still no real words yet, but he's now a pro at using sign language for "more" and "please". It sure makes things easier when he wants something! Yesterday he came down with the sniffles- the head cold I had is now hitting him. Last night he was up every couple of hours- he can't really breathe through his nose, which means he can't really suck on his pacifier- so he woke up crying. We're exhausted today- we'd been on a streak of at least 3 weeks of sleeping through the night. At least we know the reason is his cold this time. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.
Nothing much else to report- we're making a last minute trip to D.C. to see my sister and all of Jack's D.C. "aunties" in 2 weeks. We're also in the middle of planning our trip to Kenya to see my mom.
Here are some pics...
If it's any consolation, we had the no restaurant phase with Mister, too. It didn't last long.
And J's getting a ton of hair!
The Badger picture is so cute!! I wish it had helped them win... Oh well. Kansas is playing great at least!
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