Monday, April 28, 2008

No Kidding.

33 week appointment. Her head is "really down." No freaking kidding. It hurts to walk. Ligaments are being stretched in every direction and I'm nearing the this-is-no-longer-amusing stage.

Bring on the baby girl!

I go back in 2 weeks and from then on IT'S EVERY WEEK!!! Yikes!!!!

Brandon has his last business trip until July next week. Wahoo!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

30, Another Baby Shower, Riding Bikes

We've been busy this week.... more details when I get a chance!

Ok, I sort of have a chance now.....

Well, I turned 30 yesterday. I guess I feel older because I'm so FREAKING TIRED! Jack has not been sleeping well- up too late and awake way too early. We'll be working on trying to fix that this weekend. I got flowers at school from Jack and my parents- what a great surprise! They were beautiful tulips- my favorite! For some reason now that I'm 30 I feel like a real adult. Sort of!

I had my 2nd baby shower on Wednesday. The staff at school wanted to throw one for me cause they love baby stuff and food! I got some more great gifts, plus a gift certificate to babies r us. Maybe we'll get a cool double stroller???!! Baby girl's closet is filling up fast! I need to buy those size dividers so I can get all the clothes organized. And maybe we should think about getting her room totally finished. She still has no bedding and we haven't washed or organized any baby stuff yet....

We got our bikes out the other day since it was so nice and warm. It's sort of hard to pedal with a belly in the way! I made it around the neighborhood and then got too tired. We'll go on a few more short rides before the baby arrives I'm sure. Jack just loves wearing his helmet and taking a few toys along for the ride!

I'll post some new pictures this weekend. I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable every day. I keep having bad ligament pain on the lower right side that makes walking pretty freaking painful at the end of the day. Plus this kid has gotten much stronger in her kicks and stretches and it's starting to hurt! I'm pretty sure her head is still down- lots of pressure down there if you know what I mean!! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby Shower

Because this is my second baby, I wasn't expecting any baby showers at all. Afterall, we pretty much have everything we need- besides the clothes. Imagine my surprise when my room mom told me that she and a mom from the other 2nd grade class were planning a baby shower for me at school! Even though I told them it really wasn't necessary- they convinced me that they REALLY wanted to do this- so off they went with the planning.

They held the shower in my classroom on Friday. They had the whole room decorated with pink streamers and It's a Girl! signs. There was a whole table full of goodies to eat- and OH MY GOD THE PRESENTS! They totally went overboard. I got so many wonderful gifts! Tons of books, clothes, and even a kid sized arm chair from Pottery Barn Kids! The best part though was how excited the students were. They all ooohed and aaahed over the cute clothes, helped me unwrap the gifts, and couldn't wait to tell me why they had selected the book or gift that they bought. A few of the kids even brought presents for Jack so he wouldn't feel left out when I brought the presents home!

The generosity of the parents and the students just blew me away. I am so grateful.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Everything went well at our appointment this afternoon. The midwife thinks the baby has flipped and is now head down- that's what I predicted since she now feels just like Jack did- a baby butt on the upper left!

We're headed back in another 2 weeks.

The end is getting closer! I wonder what she'll look like. Jack is predicting black hair and blue eyes.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Almost 31 Weeks

Monday, April 07, 2008

How Sweet It Is...

to be up WAY past your bedtime for a VERY GOOD REASON!!!

Now if only I was still in school at KU- no classes tomorrow! That would be so much fun!!!

Rock Chalk Jayhawks!!!!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


It's been a good year for my Jayhawks! First a win at the Orange Bowl and now a chance to win the NCAA championship!

We'll be doing the "Rock Chalk Jayhawk KU" chant with Jack first thing in the morning- he'll be so excited!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy-O!

Happy 32nd birthday to the best Daddy-O there ever was!

We love you!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Still Sick

We're still sick around here... Jack was ok on Wednesday, but I ended up staying home for myself. I caught whatever it is that he has. Since he was ok he went to school and I stayed in bed all day. Today he had the worst diarrhea I have ever seen in my life- so Brandon stayed home with him while I went back to school. His stomach is still upset tonight, so I'm back on Jack duty tomorrow.

On a lighter note, Moe Moe and Bampa (Brandon's parents) have officially moved into their new condo about 20 minutes away! We went over there tonight to supervise the movers and pretty much just get in everybody's way! We're very glad they are much closer- and can't wait so see the place with all the boxes unpacked!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


A perfectly normal blood sugar reading!!!


Happy April!

I had my 29 week appointment yesterday. I managed to drink the dreaded glucose drink. It's still nasty! I should find out today how I did... keep your fingers crossed for me!

I'm measuring at 32 weeks (maybe that's why I feel so huge all of a sudden!) and at this point she's in a breech position- but there's still plenty of time to turn her little butt around!

Her hearbeat was nice and strong, we'll head back in 2 weeks.

Jack has a stomach bug of some sort. He threw up on Sunday night and then a little bit again this morning. He has no energy and just wants to cuddle, read books, and watch 101 Dalmations. Since he was scheduled to go to school tomorrow, it looks like I might get the day off to stay home with him! Sounds good to me!!!!