Tuesday, January 30, 2007


After crying for 30 minutes in his crib, he's finally asleep. Over the past couple of days J has been really weird with his sleeping habits. It seems like he's really tired, but doesn't want to leave me in order to sleep. If I go in his room when he's crying, he reaches out for me and then clings to me with all of his might. Tonight I gave him the benefit of the doubt and fed him a waffle at 8:30- he really didn't eat much for dinner- he gobbled up the waffle, but then when I put him back in bed, the crying continued. Last night he woke up at 4am crying that "Mama, I need you" cry, so I let him cry it out and 10 minutes later he was back asleep... looks like we might be doing that again tonight...

By the way, B is still in Florida getting around 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. When's my business trip???

First Haircut

This weekend we gave J his first haircut. It was time to say goodbye to the wispy hairs that had grown over his ears, and goodbye to his "rat tail" that he's had in the back for quite some time. I'm glad we let that random "tail" grow a little bit though, I have a nice lock of hair to keep for his baby book. Look how handsome he looks now!

Monday, January 29, 2007


The past three mornings have found us wide awake at 6 am because J has decided that that's the time he wants to get up now. He talks for awhile, and then cries if we don't come and get him. If we take way too long getting him out of his crib, he has started this horrible habit of SCREAMING which sounds exactly what I imagine a mountain lion would sound like if they were attacking you. It gives me an instant headache. Since B is in Florida till later this week, and my brother is visiting his fiance at school, I'm single mothering it for a few days. It is exhausting. I have no idea how real single mothers do it. I am not strong enough, that's for sure.

Anyway, this morning he was up at 6, ate a HUGE breakfast and then played till 9. He was starting to get fussy and whiny, so we came upstairs for his nap. Mountain lion screaming began as soon as I put him in his crib. I just hate it when I know he's tired but he just won't admit it to himself. He had been crying and screaming for about 15 minutes when all of a sudden it got very quiet. I gave him a good 5 minutes more and then tiptoed to his door to peek in on him. Stubborn little brat, he was sitting up in his crib, sucking on his pacifier, holding onto yellow blankie- and almost completely asleep! I had to hold my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't laugh out loud as I watched his head bob forward, and then jerk back, bob forward, lean to the side, and then jerk back upright again. Give it up buddy! You are tired! GO TO SLEEP!!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I love

I love it when you sneak in to check on your son one more time before you go to bed, and as you are pulling the blankets back up and around his little body, he stretches his arms straight over his head and his legs straight towards the end of the bed... and then he rolls over onto his tummy and shuffles his knees till they're under him, with his little tush in the air... with his arms curled under his chin, holding onto his yellow blankie with all his little might... I love that.

J's Baptism Quilt

The wonderful church we joined on Sunday has a quilter's club that makes a quilt for every baby that is baptized in the church. Here is J's quilt- we hung it up in his room.

Happy Dress Up Your Pet Day!

Oh, the humiliation!


J went to bed around 6:45 last night and woke up at 7 this morning... with no throwing up in between!!!! That was the first night since last Friday with no midnight sheet and pillow and blanket changing! Hooray!!

I'm also feeling much better, I came down with whatever he had all day yesterday- thank goodness my brother and his fiance were here, they took care of J all day so I could sleep. I think that's why I feel so much better already.

This morning J actually had breakfast, some dry cereal and applesauce. Plus he drank more of the pedialyte- I think that's what really helped him feel better. Water just wasn't doing the job of keeping him well hydrated.

So hopefully we'll all be back to our usual selves by this weekend... we're both still really tired, J is already down for a morning nap, and I'm on my way!

Monday, January 22, 2007

We miss you already, Grammy!

Even though he was feeling really icky this morning, he managed to have some fun with Grammy before she left... sorry it's a little dark... but you get the idea!

1 Year Checkup

We had J's one year checkup today- it was perfect timing since he has been sick, sick, sick recently. It all started with a high fever on Thursday night (103). The fever disappeared by Friday night, and was replaced with cold symptoms. On Saturday night we heard him fussing in bed around 9:00- I went upstairs and as soon as I opened the door to his room, I could smell it. He had thrown up all over his pillow, yellow blankie, the sheet, and a few blankets. It was disgusting! Since that was the first time J has ever thrown up, I was glad that my mom was sleeping over that night so she could help me clean it up! He went right back to sleep that night, but on Sunday morning he just wasn't himself at all. He was very quiet, acted pretty tired, and actually sat on my mom's lap for hours at a time, just watching tv and reading books. My mom was very glad for the snuggle time before she left, but sad that he was feeling so miserable. After a 2 hour nap I took him to Madison so we could sleep over and go with my mom to the airport this morning. He slept the whole way there, and when we arrived seemed like his old self again. He went to bed just fine last night, but at 6 this morning I heard some weird noises from his room. I went in there and sure enough he had thrown up all over his bed again. Ick!!! Once again, I was glad for my mom's help in cleaning it all up! After dropping my mom off at the airport, we headed home for another nap and then the appointment.

Here are the stats for J at one year:

27 pounds (I believe he lost at least a couple since he really hasn't eaten anything substantial since Thursday.)
33 inches

He's very tall for his age- and off the charts in terms of height and weight. He's growing taller as he gains weight, so the doctor just loves his progress! Nothing to worry about there! I'll just continue to have extremely strong arms for the rest of my life from picking him up and holding him!

Dr. U was very pleased with his cruising skills, and the fact that he says "Uh Oh" occasionally- I haven't blogged about it since I haven't been able to get it on video yet, you stinker!

We talked about switching from formula to whole milk (think of the $$$ we'll be saving!!!) and eating egg whites and honey.

We also talked about timeouts if he does something we absolutely won't tolerate (like hitting Finley). He's too young to really start disciplining, but we need to start being clear about what's acceptable and what isn't. So far he's just doing little naughty things which he doesn't even realize are bad- like smacking me in the face when I hold him every so often- love those moments! Ouch!

As for the illness, Dr. U said J has the same thing 10 other kids have come in for today also... just wait it out and he'll recover.

The appointment ended on a sour note- J got 3 shots! He was REALLY unhappy about those, they hurt pretty bad. But he took it like the tough kid he is and stopped crying as soon as I picked him up. He got 3 bandaids for his trouble.

Some other exciting developments, J now takes a bath without his bath seat. He sits in the tub like a big boy, and he sure loves it! His favorite thing to do is scoot closer to the faucet so he can feel and try to catch the water while we're still filling the tub. He likes the water really warm, and up to his waist- don't forget the bubbles!

It's been a busy weekend, sad to say goodbye to my mom, excited for her trip to begin, amazing that J is one already! I have a million emails to catch up on tomorrow, so if I owe you one- it's coming!

Just what I like to see at 6am- banana throw up stuck to the side of my kid's face!

I don't feel good, Grammy.

Maybe this headband will help...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Oh, the talent!

Check out my talented sister and buddy in D.C.


Thank goodness we don't sing often!


He got over his fear... and ate the whole piece!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

1 Year

January 16, 2006

We are so blessed

January 16, 2006
8 lbs 12 oz
20.5 inches
6:36 pm

Happy Birthday Baybo! Your Daddy-O and I love you with all of our hearts. You are everything to us. We are very proud to be your parents. We asked your Grammy and Grandpa, Grandma Moe Moe and Grandpa, Auntie A, Uncle T, Auntie L, Auntie L in Florida, your Great Grandpa, your GG Aunt S, and Super Nana to write you letters for your first birthday just like we did telling you anything they wanted. I have a feeling those letters are all filled with love and adoration for you. I am saving them for you in a special box so you can read them as soon as you're ready. On your first birthday, know that you are loved beyond words.

Mama and Daddy-O


A few pictures till I have more time to write... sorry I forgot to flip a couple of them!

Friday, January 12, 2007

"We had a moment"

Dear Auntie L in D.C.,
I remember sitting at Cosi's with you and thinking you were just the best honorary aunt ever. I am so lucky you love me so much. I wish you could be here to celebrate my first birthday!

Lots of love and big slobbery kisses,

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I told you so!

Mister Man is going to have a sister!!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Watching the news

New Pictures

Just for Auntie A

J loves his Mama


Look what Grammy taught me to do!

Would it be weird if I hugged you?

Probably. So I won't.

To go from extreme panic over finding a new salon and person to cut your hair- to extreme elation at having found THE PERFECT SALON AND WOMAN TO CUT MY HAIR is more than I can handle.

I would have hugged you, Angela... but that would have been weird.

Thanks for making me feel like me again!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


J has a new skill I forgot to mention in the last post... B taught him how to throw things! It started out innocently enough, just throwing his bath toys around in the tub. But now he's moved on to throwing his pacifier out of his crib, throwing books, throwing stuffed animals, basically anything he gets his hands on. Good job Daddy-O! The father and son bonding over throwing things couldn't have waited until he had better aim?? Or until he understood that you don't throw Finley's bone at him? Let's just hope his aim improves- I'd hate for him to end up throwing like I do!

On the road again...

We're headed back to Madison this afternoon. I'm going to a basketball game and J is staying home with Grammy... gotta squeeze in lots of Grammy time before she leaves!

We just had lunch at Super Nana's. She went with us to the dry cleaners, and then we stayed for lunch. J ate a whole hot dog (cut up very small), a fruit cup, a hot dog bun, and a cookie. He was a total ham, smiling and laughing all through lunch. I'm so glad we get to spend time with Super Nana. J just loves her!

Monday, January 08, 2007


Over New Years weekend J's motor skills exploded! All of a sudden he started pulling up to stand on everything- the couch, the coffee table, the chairs, his crib, anything that he could hold onto. He had been pulling up to stand in his crib and pack-n-play (aka jail cell in the kitchen where he's forced to hang out if I need to take Finley out or just basically get anything done in there) for several weeks, but pulling up to stand on other things around the house was brand new. Along with this new found skill came this total excitement for life- it was like learning to crawl all over again. He started waking up earlier in the morning- just so he could stand in his crib and yell "MAMA! MOM, MOM, MOM!" As soon as he'd get down on the floor, he'd crawl right over to his blue chair, or whatever he was closest too and stand up. It was like he was so darn excited to explore this whole new part of his world. It was very cute to watch....

This week he's moved on from standing to actually cruising- he holds onto whatver he's pulled himself up to and "walks" the length of the object. He actually gets going pretty fast if there's something exciting on the other end- like the remote or the phone. He's been pretty successful with holding onto the chair, reaching for the coffee table, and then "walking" over to it also.

I have a feeling we're going to have a walker on our hands very soon!

A week from tomorrow is the big birthday- and this coming Sunday is the baptism and the party... we're looking forward to a busy weekend.

I left my camera in Madison... so the new pictures will have to wait!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Take a deep breath, mom!

I'm not pregnant!!! :)

On my last post I referred to our buddy Mister Man getting a new sister. I meant that I was positive it's a girl- not that I took a test and it's positive!!!

I guess I should be more clear next time! Now that J is almost one- that question about when are you having another one keeps coming up!

Happy 2007!

Ick, I hate odd numbered years... they bug me. But already lots of exciting stuff is going to happen in 2007.
#1- J will be one on January 16th....
#2- My mom is leaving for 10 months in Kenya on January 22nd...
#3- My dad, J, and I are planning a road trip to the Florida Keys in May...
#4- Our buddy Mister Man will be getting a little sister (I'm positive!) in June...
#5- We maybe, maybe, maybe are going to visit mom in Kenya in July...
#6- I maybe, maybe, probably am going back to teaching in the fall...

That's as far ahead as I can think for now!

I'm glad everyone liked the video of J. More to come for sure! The next one will include him standing in his crib and banging on the wall instead of napping... that's his new favorite thing to do!